CSG Trees in MesoRD

There are many ways to implement CSG. The details will vary with the intended application. The MesoRD CSG implementation draws its inspiration from a number of sources, most notably VRML.

Geometric Primitives

Primitives in MesoRD can be boxes, cones, cylinders, meshes and spheres in 3D models. In 2D models primitives can be rectangles and circles. Just like objects in VRML, primitives are defined centred at the origin of a local, right-handed coordinate system [Hartman and Wernecke 1996]. In the case of cones and cylinders, the axis of symmetry is defined to lie parallel to the local y-axis. The local coordinate systems are related to the global coordinate system, the right-handed coordinate system of the full geometry, by a set of affine transformations.


In the examples below it is assumed that the unit um is defined as one micrometre, i.e.

<unitDefinition id="um">
    <unit kind="metre" scale="-6"/>

is somewhere in the listOfUnitDefinitions.


  • The format of the unit definitions has changed since earlier versions of MesoRD (version 0.2). Each node now needs to specify a unit by means of the MesoRD:units parameter. This is the unit in which all lengths, radii, angles, etc. of the primitive are to be interpreted.

  • New in MesoRD 0.3 is that each annotation block starts with <MesoRD:csg xmlns:MesoRD="http://www.icm.uu.se"> and ends with </MesoRD:csg>.

The box Primitive

The box node defines is a block-shaped geometric object centred at the origin of the local coordinate system. Its sides are aligned with the local coordinate axes. The parameters in defining a box are the side lengths of the box along the x-, y- and z-axis. The example below defines a 5 by 30 by 10 um box. It extends 5 um in the x-direction, 30 um in the y-direction and 10 um in the z-direction.

Example 4.1. Box Geometry

<compartment id="box">
   <MesoRD:csg xmlns:MesoRD="http://www.icm.uu.se"> 
    <MesoRD:box MesoRD:x="5"

The cone Primitive

The cone node defines a simple cone oriented along the local y-axis. An untransformed cone is centred at the origin, extending half its height along the positive y-axis and half its height along the negative y-axis. The parameters in defining a cone are the bottomradius and the height. The example below defines a cone with radius 5 um and height 20 um.

Example 4.2. Cone Geometry

<compartment id="cone">
   <MesoRD:csg xmlns:MesoRD="http://www.icm.uu.se"> 
    <MesoRD:cone MesoRD:bottomradius="5"

The cylinder Primitive

The cylinder node builds a simple, capped cylinder centred at the origin and oriented along the local y-axis. The cylinder extends half its height along the positive y-axis and half its height along the negative y-axis. The parameters in defining a cylinder are the radius and the height. The example below defines a cylinder with radius 5 um and height 20 um.

Example 4.3. Cylinder Geometry

<compartment id="cylinder">
   <MesoRD:csg xmlns:MesoRD="http://www.icm.uu.se"> 
    <MesoRD:cylinder MesoRD:height="20"

Cylinders are really special cases of generalised cones, in the sense that the radius is not dependant on the y-coordinate. This means that the radius at the base is always equal to the radius at the top. The fact that the areas of the base and the top are equal is also what makes periodic boundary conditions, see the section called “ Periodic Boundary Conditions ”, possible for cylinders.

The Triangular mesh Primitive

The mesh primitive enables non-trivial geometries to be built without worrying about set operations or transformations. The mesh is probably the most powerful primitive available in MesoRD's CSG implementation, as it allows for the creation of natural shapes. A mesh is in principle a list of sided triangles -- sided meaning that the triangles have a front face and a back face. A triangle is an ordered list of exactly three vertices. A vertex is one of the three corners of a triangle. The triangles are not necessarily centred at the origin.

The sidedness of a triangle is determined by computing the normal of the triangle, , where , and are the ordered vertices of the triangle. By convention, the normal is taken to point away from the front face of the triangle. Equivalently, the normal is assumed to point out of the solid enclosed by all triangles. Another way to state the above is this: when looking at the triangle's front face, that is when inspecting the exterior surface of the solid, the vertices of the triangle should be listed in counterclockwise order. The volume behind the list of triangles should be closed. Interesting surprises await those who define unclosed meshes.

The example below is possibly the simplest instance of a mesh object: a tetrahedron with a side length of 8 um. A bigger example is shown graphically in Figure 4.3, “ The Utah Teapot in MesoRD CSG. By counting the number of lines required for a typical mesh object, it becomes apparent that the added flexibility comes at the price of increased verbosity. However, it should not be too difficult to write tools to convert models built in external modelling programs to MesoRD mesh objects. In fact, SBML is designed to be machine-written, not human-written. Since CSG is a MesoRD-specific extension to SBML, there are no external tools for generating geometries. Yet.

Example 4.4. Mesh Geometry

<compartment id="mesh">
   <MesoRD:csg xmlns:MesoRD="http://www.icm.uu.se">
        <MesoRD:vertex MesoRD:x="0"
        <MesoRD:vertex MesoRD:x="-4"
        <MesoRD:vertex MesoRD:x="4"
        <MesoRD:vertex MesoRD:x="0"
        <MesoRD:vertex MesoRD:x="4"
        <MesoRD:vertex MesoRD:x="0"
        <MesoRD:vertex MesoRD:x="0"
        <MesoRD:vertex MesoRD:x="0"
        <MesoRD:vertex MesoRD:x="-4"
        <MesoRD:vertex MesoRD:x="-4"
        <MesoRD:vertex MesoRD:x="0"
        <MesoRD:vertex MesoRD:x="4"

Figure 4.3.  The Utah Teapot in MesoRD CSG

The Utah Teapot in MesoRD CSG

The Utah teapot as a MesoRD mesh primitive with 3751 triangles. The 18761 lines long SBML code for this geometry was generated from an s3d-file using a small shell script.

There is no CSG "standard". Meshes are "non-standard" only in the sense that many CSG implementations do not support them.


The mesh primitive is a highly experimental feature! In fact, the are only a few cases in which the mesh primitive has been tested and is known to work. Those who try the mesh primitive will discover that geometry discretisation takes significantly longer than it does for the simpler primitives.

The sphere Primitive

The sphere primitive defines a sphere centred at the origin. The single parameter defining a sphere is the radius. The example below defines a sphere with radius 5 um.

Example 4.5. Sphere Geometry

<compartment id="sphere">
   <MesoRD:csg xmlns:MesoRD="http://www.icm.uu.se"> 
    <MesoRD:sphere MesoRD:radius="5"

The compartment Primitive

MesoRD supports one more primitive: the special compartment pseudo-primitive that allows the geometry of another compartment to be treated just like any other geometric primitive. The compartment primitive is not a true primitive, because it is not a proper terminal node.

While this sort of "copy operation" allows for new creative ways in the definition of geometries, the main reason for its inception is to allow one compartment to surround another compartment. As was mentioned in the section called “ Tree Representation of CSG, it is not a good idea to define geometries so that a point in space could belong to several compartments. Using the compartment primitive together with the difference set operation, the containing compartment may be defined as the left operand of a difference operation. The right operand is set to the geometry of the contained compartment. This will create a hole in the containing compartment, just big enough to fit the contained compartment.

A referenced compartment is identified by its unique id field. The example below makes use of the geometry of the original compartment, defined elsewhere, in the definition of the copy compartment by means of a difference operation.

Example 4.6. The compartment Primitive

<compartment id="copy">
   <MesoRD:csg xmlns:MesoRD="http://www.icm.uu.se"> 
      <MesoRD:box MesoRD:x="5"
      <MesoRD:compartment MesoRD:id="original"/>


Previous version of MesoRD required a compartment to be defined before any reference through the compartment primitive. This requirement is now lifted. However, creating cycles is not permitted. An easy way to create a cycle is to create a compartment foo that references bar that in turn references foo.

The rectangle Primitive

The rectangle is like a box without an extension along the z-axis.

Example 4.7. The rectangle Primitive

<compartment id="CompartmentOne">
   <MesoRD:csg xmlns:MesoRD="http://www.icm.uu.se"> 
      <MesoRD:rectangle MesoRD:x="5"

The circle Primitive

The circle is a circle in the x-y plane[13]. Thus it only requires a radius.

Example 4.8. The circle Primitive

<compartment id="CompartmentOne">
   <MesoRD:csg xmlns:MesoRD="http://www.icm.uu.se"> 
      <MesoRD:circle MesoRD:radius="5"

Set Operations

The set of transformed primitives, or objects, are combined using difference, intersection and union set operations. These operations take two or more operand objects and combine them into a new object. Objects resulting from a set operation can act as operand objects in transformations or other set operations.


The unary complement operation, which in combination with the union operation would obsolete the difference operation, is not supported, since MesoRD does not define a "universe".

The difference Operation

The difference set operation computes the difference between exactly two operands. The second child of a difference node is subtracted from the first. The difference operation has no parameters. The example below defines the geometry that results when a sphere with radius 2 um and centred at the origin, is subtracted from a cubic box with sides 8 um, also centred at the origin.

Example 4.9. Difference Operation

<compartment id="difference">
   <MesoRD:csg xmlns:MesoRD="http://www.icm.uu.se"> 
      <MesoRD:box MesoRD:x="8"
      <MesoRD:sphere MesoRD:radius="2"

The intersection Operation

The intersection set operation computes the intersection of an arbitrary number of operand geometries. The intersection operation has no parameters. The example below defines the geometry that results when a cubic box with sides 8 um and centred at the origin is intersected with a sphere with radius 5 um, also centred at the origin.

Example 4.10. Intersection Operation

<compartment id="intersection">
   <MesoRD:csg xmlns:MesoRD="http://www.icm.uu.se"> 
      <MesoRD:box MesoRD:x="8"
      <MesoRD:sphere MesoRD:radius="5"

The union Operation

The union set operation computes the union of an arbitrary number of operand geometries. The union operation has no parameters. The example below defines the geometry that results when a cubic box with sides 9 um and centred at the origin is united with a sphere with radius 5 um, also centred at the origin.

Example 4.11. Union Operation

<compartment id="union">
   <MesoRD:csg xmlns:MesoRD="http://www.icm.uu.se"> 
      <MesoRD:box MesoRD:x="9"
      <MesoRD:sphere MesoRD:radius="5"


Clearly the shape of a compound object depends on the exact location and orientation of the individual primitives. Therefore, CSG trees in MesoRD contain transformation nodes in addition to the set operation nodes. Transformations allow subtrees to be rotated, scaled, sheared and translated. These are all affine transformations, preserving the parallelism of lines, but not lengths or angles. Every primitive has its own transformation matrix which relates its local coordinate system to the global coordinate system. For example, a cylinder parallel to the x-axis is defined by rotating a cylinder node by 90 degrees around the z-axis. In case no transformation is specified, the unit transformation is assumed. Transformations have no direct effect on set operations, but are propagated to its children.

A transformation node will affect all leaf nodes below it in the tree. The transformation that will take a primitive leaf node from its local coordinate system to the global coordinate system is defined by the composition of all transformations on the path between the root and the respective leaf. The compound transformation is calculated as the matrix product of the corresponding transformation matrices.

Note that transformations affect 2D primitives similarly as 3D primitives. The transformations on 2D primitives may, of course, lack a z direction or a rotation axis.

An example which describes the union of a cone and a box is illustrated in Figure 4.4, “ A CSG Tree with Transformations ”. The root of the tree is a scale node, which defines a scale matrix . The path from the root to the cone primitive only passes through one transformation node, namely the root. Thus, the transformation matrix relating the local coordinate system, in which the cone is defined, to the global coordinate system of the entire procedure, is .

Figure 4.4.  A CSG Tree with Transformations

A CSG Tree with Transformations

The tree describes the union of a cone and a box. The box is translated with respect to the cone. The union of both primitives is scaled.

The box node is separated from the union node by a translation node which defines a displacement matrix . The path from the box primitive to the root passes through two transformation nodes. The transformation matrix that relates the local coordinate system of the box to the global coordinate system is .

The rotation Transformation

The rotation transformation in MesoRD is defined by an axis of rotation and a rotation angle. The rotation axis is given in the local coordinate system, its length is irrelevant. Thus, the parameters of a rotation node are the Cartesian components of the direction of the rotation axis and the counterclockwise rotation angle. The example below defines the geometry that results when a cube with side length 5 um is rotated 20 degrees around the local z-axis. One could just as well have used radians for the rotation angle, since SBML defines a radian unit.

Example 4.12. Rotation Transformation

<compartment id="rotation">
   <MesoRD:csg xmlns:MesoRD="http://www.icm.uu.se"> 
    <MesoRD:rotation MesoRD:x="0"
      <MesoRD:box MesoRD:x="5"

The scale Transformation

The scale transformation in MesoRD is defined by a scaling vector. The scaling vector consists of the diagonal elements of the diagonal, affine scale transformation matrix. The elements of the scaling vector give the scale factor in each of the three Cartesian dimensions in the local coordinate system. Thus, the parameters of a scale node are the components of the scale vector. The example below defines the geometry that results when a sphere with radius 5 is scaled by a factor of two along the local z-axis.

Example 4.13. Scale Transformation

<compartment id="scale">
   <MesoRD:csg xmlns:MesoRD="http://www.icm.uu.se"> 
    <MesoRD:scale MesoRD:x="1"
      <MesoRD:sphere MesoRD:radius="5"

The shear Transformation

The shear transformation in MesoRD is defined by a shear axis and a shear angle. The shear axis is given in the local coordinate system, its length is irrelevant. Thus, the parameters of a shear node are the Cartesian components of the direction of the shear axis and the counterclockwise shear angle. The example below defines the geometry that results when a cube with side length 5 is sheared 2 radians around the local z-axis.

Example 4.14. Shear Transformation

<compartment id="shear">
   <MesoRD:csg xmlns:MesoRD="http://www.icm.uu.se"> 
    <MesoRD:rotation MesoRD:x="0"
      <MesoRD:box MesoRD:x="5"

The translation Transformation

The translation transformation in MesoRD is defined by a displacement vector. The components of the displacement vector give the displacements in each of the three Cartesian dimensions in the local coordinate system. Thus, the parameters of a translation node are the components of the displacement vector. The example below defines the geometry that results when a sphere with radius 5 is moved two um two along the positive local z-axis.

Example 4.15. Translation Transformation

<compartment id="translation">
   <MesoRD:csg xmlns:MesoRD="http://www.icm.uu.se"> 
    <MesoRD:translation MesoRD:x="0"
      <MesoRD:sphere MesoRD:radius="5"