Plots a 3-dim plot of all the molecules that are in the Current compartment at the current time point. All the species will have their Species colors . This plot is only available for stochastic simulations, not for deterministic simulations.
Plots a 2-dim plot of a projection on either the X, Y and Z axes. The plot shows all molecules that are in the Current compartment at the current time point but does not say anything about the amount of molecules (for amounts see Projection ). All the species will have their Species colors . This plot is only available for stochastic simulations, not for deterministic simulations.
Plots a 2-dim image of a projection on either the X, Y and Z axes. The plot shows the amount of molecules of the Current species in a subvolume in the Current compartment at the current time point (for all species see 2D ). Everything that is outside the cell is white and the part of the cell that is outside the Current compartment is blue.
Plots three slice plans through a 3-dim figure of the cell. The plot shows the Current species in the Current compartment at the current time point. Everything that is outside the cell is white and the part of the cell that is outside the Current compartment is blue. The slice planes can be moved with the Axes slider .